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Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday

Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday

A.Rooney: Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday, and as you will see from the sample I sent you, it is an exact match, so without further ado, I phoned and spoke to your colleague, ordered the lid, and I understand it will arrive with us tomorrow! A lot cheaper than a new bathroom suite, with which there is nothing wrong apart from this! Many thanks for your excellent service


coloured bathroom replacement items


A.Rooney: Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday, and as you will see from the sample I sent you, it is an exact match, so without further ado, I phoned and spoke to your colleague, ordered the lid, and I understand it will arrive with us tomorrow! A lot cheaper than a new bathroom suite, with which there is nothing wrong apart from this! Many thanks for your excellent service